Thursday, November 12, 2009

Dental Wellness

The most important service any dentist or physician can offer is a thorough examination, diagnosis of the existing conditions, and a treatment plan that serves the short-range and long-range needs of the patient. It is my philosophy that dental health is something that YOU, the patient, give yourself. Unfortunately, health care as practiced in this country is frequently, in effect, “disease care.” That is, services are rendered and paid for only when the patient is in pain or has a problem that he is aware of. The patient assumes a passive role with little or no control while the doctor treats the effect of the disease process with little regard to the cause. The net result of this is “patchwork treatment”; the patient never gets better--he gets worse more slowly.
The health care that we promote in our office is based on a “wellness” concept. That is, all treatment beyond emergency care is aimed at stopping the disease process. In an alliance of shared responsibility, we are able to restore dental structures to maximum comfort, function and appearance in a manner that is consistent with the patient’s goals and values and, most importantly, the prevention of future disease. In this model, the patient assumes a very active role for he/she ultimately must be responsible for his own health.
Our responsibility is to help you understand the causes of your dental disease, to help you understand the value of “optimal care,” and to help you set goals that will allow you to attain optimal dental health. Quality should be the constant....time the variable.

Label: Dental Wellness, Sweetwater Smiles

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